Kirsten Leytham's EDM310 Blog

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

local artist

I was intrigued when I discovered that one of my classmates was a local artist. In Kevin B's presentation, he discussed his art work and showed a few examples. I was excited to discover that someone else in the class has a passion for art. I, being the grandchild of two local artists, have been exposed to a great deal of art in my short lifetime. It is something that I have always had a passion for. I have found that sketching and most especially painting, are quite cathartic. When I am working on a canvas, I am in my own separate world. I personally have never had the heart to sell any of my own paintings, mostly because I become so attached when I am working on them. Here are a few I've recently finished...

Friday, January 26, 2007

Power Point

Thus far I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing everyone's power point presentations. But what caught my eye in particular was the one done by Lindsey Braunitzer. It was interesting to discover that someone else in the class has lived in the Texas country side. When I lived there, we lived in the city for a number of years. However, we built a home in the hill country just north of San Antonio and lived there my last remaining years in Texas. And I have to agree wit Lindsey that the Texas countryside is beautiful. I never thought I could appreciate scraggly scrub oaks, cacti, or crunchy dried up grass, however, in Texas it all comes together to create a scene that is quite breathtaking. It was also quite a treat to have enough land to keep a few cattle and some terribly ugly (but strangely friendly) chickens.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

so here I am...

My name is Kirsten, I'm a sophomore, and currently working on a degree in English and Secondary Education. When I am not at school, I'm usually waiting tables at Guido's, my father's restaurant (and baby). In my free time (what little there is) I spend time with my boyfriend timmy of three years and our friends. I am also a huge bookworm, love ethnic food, and my cat Sari.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Power Point Focus

So far, my presentation is a smorgisborg of information about my family, friends, school, and my job. There is also a full page dedicated to my cat Sari, which thus far is my favorite. I am also working on a page about my boyfriend (I think my emphasis on the cat was making him jealous). Now that I have everything mapped out, I'm working to find the perfect pics for all of my slides.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Tuesday Thursday 11 Class Page

To get to the class blog CLICK HERE

first blog

yay, my first blog in Prof. Strange's class.