Kirsten Leytham's EDM310 Blog
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Things I Have Learned

#2. I have learned how to create a website.
#3. I have learned how to reformat pictures.
#4. I have learned how to upload pictures from the Internet.
#5. I have learned how to use Microsoft Excel to create a gradebook, address book, and to calculate finances.
#6. I learned how to create a brochure using Microsoft Word.
Adrienne Wytch's Website

Adrienne's website focuses on her favorite male gospel singers. She gives their history, style of music, and inspiration for creating gospel music. Each description was short, sweet, and informative.
Everything on Adrienne's website worked perfectly. All of the buttons and links were in full working order and it looks polished and finished. The only complaint I have is that the pictures were a little small, but other than that, it was perfect.
Adrienne's website was thoughtful, functioning, well organized. To visit her sight, CLICK HERE.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Kirsten Goes to Italy

My blog focuses on a trip to Ital y I took with my family in the summer of 2004. It documents all of the places I visited and the aspects of those places that most struck me. It also features pictures that my father took to chronicle the trip.
I have completed my website, and everything seems to be in working order. The only thing I would change about the site if I had the time would be to create links to all of the places (museums, sights) and products (wines, cheeses, etc.) that I noted in my descriptions. I think this would give the person viewing the sight a fuller view of the aspects of Italy that I tried to convey in my presentation. To check out my website, CLICK HERE.
William Andrew's Website

William's website was based on some of the most famous golfers of all time. It had some great pictures and was interesting and informative t the same time. I am not even a fan of golf, but I liked the presentation and the casual and almost witty style of the informative portion.
With regards to the technicalities of the website, I had no problems. All of the buttons worked, making it easy to navigate and all of the pages loaded quickly.
Overall, I think this website was quite a success. It functioned flawlessly and was inter sting and informative. To view William's website, CLICK HERE.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Seymour Papert

Papert has implemented technology based learning programs on every continent, even in some of the most remote places in the world. He now resides in Maine where he has set up a laboritory called the Learning Barn. This lab allows Papert to study and improve technology aided education. To find out more about Seymour Papert, CLICK HERE.
Monday, March 12, 2007
I Pods in the Classroom

The electronically savvy child has become a staple in modern society. It is indeed a common sight to see students who are constantly wired on electronic devices such as the iPod. Interestingly enough, many educators are taking advantage of this technological revolution and harnessing it for use in the classroom.
The most education friendly aspect of the iPod is by far the podcast. This feature allows teachers to post lecture notes, assignments, presentations, concept explanations and examples, and homework on down loadable podcasts. This allows students to have access to learning aids in and outside of the classroom. The podcast also provides a link to news and current events outside of the classroom that can be related to classroom activities and discussions.
In conclusion, the iPod has the capability to connect students to education and education to the world that students live in. For some examples of how to use iPods in the classroom, CLICK HERE.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Spread Sheets in the Classroom

Kevin O'Donnell and Pamela Lockwood, Technology Education Teachers at Belmar Elementary School in New Jersey, have created a helpful website that provides specific instructions on how to create a spreadsheet, and how to use one in the classroom.
I found many examples as to how a spreadsheet can be used to display the class schedule, student homework, grades, tutorials, and helpful visual aids like the one pictured above. These spreadsheets act as an interactive tool that can allow for the organization and acess of important class information.
The website also focused on the use of Excel to create spreadsheets, graphs, charts and other visual aids that can be used in the classroom. To go to this website CLICK HERE.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Mardis Gras MADNESS
In the life of Kirsten, Mardis Gras begins the friday before Fat Tuesday. The day usually begins early, not in the classroom, but at my boyfriend Timmy's house. There is generally mass chaos as his aunts, uncles, and cousins, all of whom are in town as members of the Crewe o
This year, I had the pleasure of watching the parade with Tim's little cousin Chandler on my hip. I found that having a baby around during a parade is good luck. We caught more throws than anyone else that night,and all with one hand! After the parade, Chandler went to Grandma, and all the wives rushed to the hotel to get ready for the ball. As for me and Tim...well, we went to a little Mardis Gras Party of our own.
The rest of the weekend was spent recovering from the often notorious "Crewe Friday," and consisted of lots of sleeping.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
International Blogs
This was quite a difficult search, but finally, I have found some international school blogs!

Friday, February 09, 2007
Class Blogs

The first blog site I found was run by third, fourth, and fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Sanborn. Her blog page consisted of a main page that featured five student blogs. The blogs were focused on classroom activities, and written with precise detail and description. Each student did not have their own page, so it appears that the students take turns having their blogs posted. To find this blog, CLICK HERE.

The second blog I found was run by a first and second grade teacher, Mrs. Cassidy. This blog had a main page with liks to each student's individual blog. Each student had fifteen + blogs to their name ranging from subkect matter having to do with school, to family and extracurriculer activities. The main page, as well as the student's blogs, had many pictures and graphics. It also had a number of interactive features that would be great for parents to use to see what rhier kids have been up to. I was very impressed with these first and second graders! To find this blog, CLICK HERE.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
A Blog About Blogging
While getting into the swing of blogging, I was most surprised by the enjoyment I got out of reading everyone Else's blog. I am intrigued by the ability to not only see what my classmates have to say, but also people from other classes. It is inspiring to me as a blogger to see the blogs of other people, and inspires me do do more of my own blogging. Some of the most interesting blogs I have seen have been political. In a world that is so saturated with the ideals and opinions of the mainstream media, it is refreshing to hear the views of local people who are my age. It is also nice because we have the ability to directly respond to other bloggers posts or comments, and then they can talk back to us. I really like the idea of open communication between students.
I think that blogging is a great tool for the k-12 classroom. It gives students, most of whom are technologically savvy and social, the opportunity to encounter the classroom outside of school. It also provides a forum that can be guided with class-related prompts. Not only does this give students an opportunity to state their own opinion about class topics, but also to read and respond to the ideas of their peers. Also, because many students spend much of their free time on the computer, this may be a good way to peek their interest in writing.
While I believe that blogging can be a wonderful tool in the classroom, there are also some possible downfalls. Firstly, if the blog system is not structured in some way to coincide with the classroom, the children may very well get side-tracked. If the blog does not focus (at least for the most part) on classroom related material, it will not work effectively as a learning tool. Also, you have to make sure that the children's identities are safe on a blog program, to ensure that no online pr editors can find information on them through the blog account.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
local artist
I was intrigued when I discovered that one of my classmates was a local artist. In Kevin B's presentation, he discussed his art work and showed a few examples. I was excited to discover that someone else in the class has a passion for art. I, being the grandchild of two local artists, have been exposed to a great deal of art in my short lifetime. It is something that I have always had a passion for. I have found that sketching and most especially painting, are quite cathartic. When I am working on a canvas, I am in my own separate world. I personally have never had the heart to sell any of my own paintings, mostly because I become so attached when I am working on them. Here are a few I've recently finished...

Friday, January 26, 2007
Power Point
Thus far I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing everyone's power point presentations. But what caught my eye in particular was the one done by Lindsey Braunitzer. It was interesting to discover that someone else in the class has lived in the Texas country side. When I lived there, we lived in the city for a number of years. However, we built a home in the hill country just north of San Antonio and lived there my last remaining years in Texas. And I have to agree wit Lindsey that the Texas countryside is beautiful. I never thought I could appreciate scraggly scrub oaks, cacti, or crunchy dried up grass, however, in Texas it all comes together to create a scene that is quite breathtaking. It was also quite a treat to have enough land to keep a few cattle and some terribly ugly (but strangely friendly) chickens.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
so here I am...
My name is Kirsten, I'm a sophomore, and currently working on a degree in English and Secondary Education. When I am not at school, I'm usually waiting tables at Guido's, my father's restaurant (and baby). In my free time (what little there is) I spend time with my boyfriend timmy of three years and our friends. I am also a huge bookworm, love ethnic food, and my cat Sari.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Power Point Focus
So far, my presentation is a smorgisborg of information about my family, friends, school, and my job. There is also a full page dedicated to my cat Sari, which thus far is my favorite. I am also working on a page about my boyfriend (I think my emphasis on the cat was making him jealous). Now that I have everything mapped out, I'm working to find the perfect pics for all of my slides.